2012 Ministry Opportunities
Ways you can be involved:
1) Prayer:
Pray for believers in Zambia as they are entering the rainy season, many without adequate shelter. Pray for the ministry outreach in 2012 as we drill wells, repair hand pumps and provide other essentials. Ask God to reveal His Son, Jesus Christ, to the lost of Zambia as they receive clean water.
2) Zambia, Africa Ministry:
During our day to day ministry in the villages, we see tremendous need. Listed below are a few of those critical needs. A gift of any amount can help provide basic essentials to families who live in poverty.
$12.00 for a bible in the native language
$150 for 2 water containers, 2 blankets and 4 pair of shoes for one family
$1,200 for the repair of a hand pump to provide clean water for a village of 400-500 people. Includes health & hygiene instruction and sharing the Gospel.
3) End of the Year:
It is the end of the year and time to consider a tax beneficial donation. Your charitable gift will provide basic essentials through which God's love is manifested. Please click on the "Donate" button below for PayPal/Credit Card donations or click on "Donations" at top of page for additional information.