Zambia Update
Greetings to everyone! It has been sometime since we last updated everyone. Leslie and I arrived back in Zambia toward the end of April. Since arriving we have been busy sorting out equipment logistics/repairs and trying to get back into the swing of things. The days have been long but the Lord has blessed us with our needs and we have managed to see some light at the end of the tunnel. In May, we carried out a field survey of a sector which is in desperate need of new wells as well as hand pump repairs. This particular area has a population of 1,800 people and are served by only 2 water wells of which one has been broken for 4 years. The water wells are not sufficient so the villagers draw water from nearby streams. The streams are down grade from the capital city so sewage contamination is a problem. This particular area, during the rainy season, is affected by cholera, dysentery, and diarrhea. We are prayerful that we can drill 4 new water wells in the coming months to help alleviate the water problems faced by this community. Today, we were able to help this community, along with its neighbors, as Water for the Oppressed repaired 2 broken hand pumps. One of the hand pumps had been broken for 4 years while the second hand pump failed in March 2012. As of today, the people can draw water from a clean water well instead of a dirty stream. In the coming weeks, we have plans to repair numerous hand pumps so we would appreciate your prayers toward this ministry effort.
We are also excited about future ministry possibilities. Water for the Oppressed and Hope for Water have joined together to bring about a discipleship program. On July 2, we will begin a discipleship program which will reach out to past and present villages where we have provided clean water. It is our prayer to deepen our ties with the communities through the teaching of the Word. The clean water is provided first, either by drilling a new water well or repairing a hand pump, and then we will build our relationship through the Word. Today, for example, we conducted 2 pump repairs. At one of the repair sites a lady informed us that many people had promised to repair the hand pump, and some people were paid a sum of money, but the people never returned. This same lady was skeptical back in May when we first met her as she said, "Water for the Oppressed will not come back either." She was surprised today, as well as the community, when they saw us driving up to repair the hand pump. We did what we said we would do and now we have a group of people who trust us because they have seen our deeds. In turn, we trust them and have gained new friends. We are reminded of how Jesus would meet a physical need prior to meeting a spiritual need. Please be in prayer as we move forward with the village outreach.
At the moment, we are experiencing the winter season in Zambia and it is cold. Today, while we were driving in the bush we saw many of the women wrapped up with shawls and blankets. In many cases the mothers will have their young infants wrapped up in blankets. In 2010, we were blessed by many ladies, in the US, which sent knitted/crocheted squares to Zambia. Once the squares arrived we ask a few local ladies to knit the squares together and when all was said and done there was a total of 62 blankets. It was our intention, in 2010, to distribute the blankets at a local hospital to Aids victims, people facing surgery to correct deformities, and others who are facing medical issues. We forgot to plan that CW would become ill and all previous intentions would be placed on hold. However, we are now able (Praise the Lord!) to distribute the blankets and plan to do so during the week of June 18. We are sure there will be many happy and warm people once they receive a blanket. The Lord will bless a number of people during this time and they will not all be in Zambia!
Leslie and I appreciate your prayers and support. It is our prayer that the Lord will provide your needs as you continue your journey.