Zambia Update - November 2011
Since our last newsletter in 2010 we have been on a roller coaster ride. In 2010, we managed to complete 47 projects in Zambia, which included the drilling of water wells and the repair of broken/vandalized hand pumps. In addition to the new wells and hand pumps the 47 projects included health and hygiene instruction along with an evangelism component. I believe that most people are aware of my (CW) illness in 2010. It was on November 11, 2010 when I became quite ill in Zambia and required major surgery at a clinic in the capital city of Lusaka. The hospital stay there was for 12 days after which I was flown from Zambia to the US. Upon arriving in the US I was transported to Duke University Hospital where I would stay for the next 5 days. Upon discharge from Duke I remained at home with 2 additional hospital visits over the course of the next 2 months. It was on March 1, 2011 I had additional surgery and after many months of recovery my doctor released me at the end of September. I would have never imagined that a year after the initial illness would I just be in a position to return to everyday life. I chuckled when my Gastro doctor, in March, advised me that I should expect a full recovery in about 12 months from the initial illness date. I chuckled but the Doctor was correct. The Lord provided the doctor in Zambia which saved my life and He provided healing which is a miracle in itself.
At the moment, it is the beginning of the rainy season in Zambia so our return will be postponed until after the rains end. We plan to return to Zambia for a short period of time in March or April 2012 in order to repair a number of broken hand pumps. Since the rainy season extends up until late March-early April, we will be involved in ministry stateside whereby we bring light to the current water crisis through PowerPoint presentations. We have spoken at local government meetings, water well continuing education forums, church mission groups, boy scouts and many other group functions. If your church or organization would like to learn first hand about the water crisis in Africa please contact us to schedule a presentation.
We thank you for your support of this ministry and pray the Lord's blessings upon each of you.