Leslie and I say thank you to all individuals, organizations, and churches who have continued to partner with Water for the Oppressed. The past 16 months, of our lives, have been similar to a roller coaster ride but we currently sense our lives are somewhat back to normal. The Lord has blessed us with numerous opportunities to visit local churches and share the ups and downs of life on the mission field. We simply share the story of how Jesus called regular people to serve Him by providing clean water and the Gospel to the people of Zambia. We also testify to the healing power of Jesus as was demonstrated through CW's miraculous recovery from certain death in November 2010.
In 2012, Water for the Oppressed has a goal to repair 30 broken hand pumps in Zambia. The hand pump repairs will enable broken boreholes to be placed back in production and will become a source for clean water once again. Along with the repairs, we will share the Gospel message at each repair site. Water for the Oppressed is currently working with a non-profit regarding the establishment of a revisit discipleship program. In other words, each hand pump repair site will be revisited, on a given schedule, for the sole purpose of discipleship training for the local believers.
Leslie and I covet your prayers as we plan our return to Zambia very soon. Please be in prayer for the following: Equipment issues on the ground, in Zambia, need to be sorted out before we can resume field work, CW's health as he introduces the Zambian food to his body for the first time since his illness, unsaved people of Zambia, safety for the ministry workers as we travel, continued support (prayer/financial) for water wells/hand pumps/bibles etc.
We would welcome an opportunity to visit your church and share the Zambia work with the congregation. In order to speak with us about scheduling a church visit please find our contact numbers listed under "Contact" at the top of this page. Thanks to everyone. God bless.