Kachembele Primary School (Site B)


Kachembele Primary School consist of 500 students (boys 240/girls 260) with six teachers. WFTO visited the school and found two wells but only one with a hand pump. The existing hand pump was working but the well-produced only a small amount of water and frequently ran dry. One teacher informed us that the students were frequently late to class and some students would miss class due to a shortage of water. The students are responsible for cleaning the outdoor toilets, wash classrooms, and replenish the water coolers within the school. So, in this particular case the students would spend a considerable amount of time waiting for water so they could complete their task. Water for the Oppressed investigated the second well (did not have a hand pump because community could not afford to purchase) and found the water supply to be adequate. WFTO installed a new hand pump, poured a new concrete apron around the well, provided hygiene training and shared the Word of God with the students and community.